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Spark Procedures🔗

To use Iceberg in Spark, first configure Spark catalogs. Stored procedures are only available when using Iceberg SQL extensions in Spark 3.


Procedures can be used from any configured Iceberg catalog with CALL. All procedures are in the namespace system.

CALL supports passing arguments by name (recommended) or by position. Mixing position and named arguments is not supported.

Named arguments🔗

All procedure arguments are named. When passing arguments by name, arguments can be in any order and any optional argument can be omitted.

CALL catalog_name.system.procedure_name(arg_name_2 => arg_2, arg_name_1 => arg_1);

Positional arguments🔗

When passing arguments by position, only the ending arguments may be omitted if they are optional.

CALL catalog_name.system.procedure_name(arg_1, arg_2, ... arg_n);

Snapshot management🔗


Roll back a table to a specific snapshot ID.

To roll back to a specific time, use rollback_to_timestamp.


This procedure invalidates all cached Spark plans that reference the affected table.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to update
snapshot_id ✔️ long Snapshot ID to rollback to


Output Name Type Description
previous_snapshot_id long The current snapshot ID before the rollback
current_snapshot_id long The new current snapshot ID


Roll back table db.sample to snapshot ID 1:

CALL catalog_name.system.rollback_to_snapshot('db.sample', 1);


Roll back a table to the snapshot that was current at some time.


This procedure invalidates all cached Spark plans that reference the affected table.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to update
timestamp ✔️ timestamp A timestamp to rollback to


Output Name Type Description
previous_snapshot_id long The current snapshot ID before the rollback
current_snapshot_id long The new current snapshot ID


Roll back db.sample to a specific day and time.

CALL catalog_name.system.rollback_to_timestamp('db.sample', TIMESTAMP '2021-06-30 00:00:00.000');


Sets the current snapshot ID for a table.

Unlike rollback, the snapshot is not required to be an ancestor of the current table state.


This procedure invalidates all cached Spark plans that reference the affected table.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to update
snapshot_id long Snapshot ID to set as current
ref string Snapshot Reference (branch or tag) to set as current

Either snapshot_id or ref must be provided but not both.


Output Name Type Description
previous_snapshot_id long The current snapshot ID before the rollback
current_snapshot_id long The new current snapshot ID


Set the current snapshot for db.sample to 1:

CALL catalog_name.system.set_current_snapshot('db.sample', 1);

Set the current snapshot for db.sample to tag s1:

CALL catalog_name.system.set_current_snapshot(table => 'db.sample', ref => 's1');


Cherry-picks changes from a snapshot into the current table state.

Cherry-picking creates a new snapshot from an existing snapshot without altering or removing the original.

Only append and dynamic overwrite snapshots can be cherry-picked.


This procedure invalidates all cached Spark plans that reference the affected table.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to update
snapshot_id ✔️ long The snapshot ID to cherry-pick


Output Name Type Description
source_snapshot_id long The table's current snapshot before the cherry-pick
current_snapshot_id long The snapshot ID created by applying the cherry-pick


Cherry-pick snapshot 1

CALL catalog_name.system.cherrypick_snapshot('my_table', 1);

Cherry-pick snapshot 1 with named args

CALL catalog_name.system.cherrypick_snapshot(snapshot_id => 1, table => 'my_table' );


Publish changes from a staged WAP ID into the current table state.

publish_changes creates a new snapshot from an existing snapshot without altering or removing the original.

Only append and dynamic overwrite snapshots can be successfully published.


This procedure invalidates all cached Spark plans that reference the affected table.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to update
wap_id ✔️ long The wap_id to be pusblished from stage to prod


Output Name Type Description
source_snapshot_id long The table's current snapshot before publishing the change
current_snapshot_id long The snapshot ID created by applying the change


publish_changes with WAP ID 'wap_id_1'

CALL catalog_name.system.publish_changes('my_table', 'wap_id_1');

publish_changes with named args

CALL catalog_name.system.publish_changes(wap_id => 'wap_id_2', table => 'my_table');


Fast-forward the current snapshot of one branch to the latest snapshot of another.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to update
branch ✔️ string Name of the branch to fast-forward
to ✔️ string


Output Name Type Description
branch_updated string Name of the branch that has been fast-forwarded
previous_ref long The snapshot ID before applying fast-forward
updated_ref long The current snapshot ID after applying fast-forward


Fast-forward the main branch to the head of audit-branch

CALL catalog_name.system.fast_forward('my_table', 'main', 'audit-branch');

Metadata management🔗

Many maintenance actions can be performed using Iceberg stored procedures.


Each write/update/delete/upsert/compaction in Iceberg produces a new snapshot while keeping the old data and metadata around for snapshot isolation and time travel. The expire_snapshots procedure can be used to remove older snapshots and their files which are no longer needed.

This procedure will remove old snapshots and data files which are uniquely required by those old snapshots. This means the expire_snapshots procedure will never remove files which are still required by a non-expired snapshot.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to update
older_than timestamp Timestamp before which snapshots will be removed (Default: 5 days ago)
retain_last int Number of ancestor snapshots to preserve regardless of older_than (defaults to 1)
max_concurrent_deletes int Size of the thread pool used for delete file actions (by default, no thread pool is used)
stream_results boolean When true, deletion files will be sent to Spark driver by RDD partition (by default, all the files will be sent to Spark driver). This option is recommended to set to true to prevent Spark driver OOM from large file size
snapshot_ids array of long Array of snapshot IDs to expire.

If older_than and retain_last are omitted, the table's expiration properties will be used. Snapshots that are still referenced by branches or tags won't be removed. By default, branches and tags never expire, but their retention policy can be changed with the table property history.expire.max-ref-age-ms. The main branch never expires.


Output Name Type Description
deleted_data_files_count long Number of data files deleted by this operation
deleted_position_delete_files_count long Number of position delete files deleted by this operation
deleted_equality_delete_files_count long Number of equality delete files deleted by this operation
deleted_manifest_files_count long Number of manifest files deleted by this operation
deleted_manifest_lists_count long Number of manifest List files deleted by this operation


Remove snapshots older than specific day and time, but retain the last 100 snapshots:

CALL hive_prod.system.expire_snapshots('db.sample', TIMESTAMP '2021-06-30 00:00:00.000', 100);

Remove snapshots with snapshot ID 123 (note that this snapshot ID should not be the current snapshot):

CALL hive_prod.system.expire_snapshots(table => 'db.sample', snapshot_ids => ARRAY(123));


Used to remove files which are not referenced in any metadata files of an Iceberg table and can thus be considered "orphaned".


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to clean
older_than timestamp Remove orphan files created before this timestamp (Defaults to 3 days ago)
location string Directory to look for files in (defaults to the table's location)
dry_run boolean When true, don't actually remove files (defaults to false)
max_concurrent_deletes int Size of the thread pool used for delete file actions (by default, no thread pool is used)
file_list_view string Dataset to look for files in (skipping the directory listing)
equal_schemes map Mapping of file system schemes to be considered equal. Key is a comma-separated list of schemes and value is a scheme (defaults to map('s3a,s3n','s3')).
equal_authorities map Mapping of file system authorities to be considered equal. Key is a comma-separated list of authorities and value is an authority.
prefix_mismatch_mode string Action behavior when location prefixes (schemes/authorities) mismatch:
  • ERROR - throw an exception. (default)
  • IGNORE - no action.
  • DELETE - delete files.


Output Name Type Description
orphan_file_location String The path to each file determined to be an orphan by this command


List all the files that are candidates for removal by performing a dry run of the remove_orphan_files command on this table without actually removing them:

CALL catalog_name.system.remove_orphan_files(table => 'db.sample', dry_run => true);

Remove any files in the tablelocation/data folder which are not known to the table db.sample.

CALL catalog_name.system.remove_orphan_files(table => 'db.sample', location => 'tablelocation/data');

Remove any files in the files_view view which are not known to the table db.sample.

Dataset<Row> compareToFileList =
        .createDataFrame(allFiles, FilePathLastModifiedRecord.class)
        .withColumnRenamed("filePath", "file_path")
        .withColumnRenamed("lastModified", "last_modified");
String fileListViewName = "files_view";
CALL catalog_name.system.remove_orphan_files(table => 'db.sample', file_list_view => 'files_view');

When a file matches references in metadata files except for location prefix (scheme/authority), an error is thrown by default. The error can be ignored and the file will be skipped by setting prefix_mismatch_mode to IGNORE.

CALL catalog_name.system.remove_orphan_files(table => 'db.sample', prefix_mismatch_mode => 'IGNORE');

The file can still be deleted by setting prefix_mismatch_mode to DELETE.

CALL catalog_name.system.remove_orphan_files(table => 'db.sample', prefix_mismatch_mode => 'DELETE');

The file can also be deleted by considering the mismatched prefixes equal.

CALL catalog_name.system.remove_orphan_files(table => 'db.sample', equal_schemes => map('file', 'file1'));

CALL catalog_name.system.remove_orphan_files(table => 'db.sample', equal_authorities => map('ns1', 'ns2'));


Iceberg tracks each data file in a table. More data files leads to more metadata stored in manifest files, and small data files causes an unnecessary amount of metadata and less efficient queries from file open costs.

Iceberg can compact data files in parallel using Spark with the rewriteDataFiles action. This will combine small files into larger files to reduce metadata overhead and runtime file open cost.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to update
strategy string Name of the strategy - binpack or sort. Defaults to binpack strategy
sort_order string For Zorder use a comma separated list of columns within zorder(). Example: zorder(c1,c2,c3).
Else, Comma separated sort orders in the format (ColumnName SortDirection NullOrder).
Where SortDirection can be ASC or DESC. NullOrder can be NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST.
Defaults to the table's sort order
options map Options to be used for actions
where string predicate as a string used for filtering the files. Note that all files that may contain data matching the filter will be selected for rewriting


General Options🔗
Name Default Value Description
max-concurrent-file-group-rewrites 5 Maximum number of file groups to be simultaneously rewritten
partial-progress.enabled false Enable committing groups of files prior to the entire rewrite completing
partial-progress.max-commits 10 Maximum amount of commits that this rewrite is allowed to produce if partial progress is enabled
use-starting-sequence-number true Use the sequence number of the snapshot at compaction start time instead of that of the newly produced snapshot
rewrite-job-order none Force the rewrite job order based on the value.
  • If rewrite-job-order=bytes-asc, then rewrite the smallest job groups first.
  • If rewrite-job-order=bytes-desc, then rewrite the largest job groups first.
  • If rewrite-job-order=files-asc, then rewrite the job groups with the least files first.
  • If rewrite-job-order=files-desc, then rewrite the job groups with the most files first.
  • If rewrite-job-order=none, then rewrite job groups in the order they were planned (no specific ordering).
target-file-size-bytes 536870912 (512 MB, default value of from table properties) Target output file size
min-file-size-bytes 75% of target file size Files under this threshold will be considered for rewriting regardless of any other criteria
max-file-size-bytes 180% of target file size Files with sizes above this threshold will be considered for rewriting regardless of any other criteria
min-input-files 5 Any file group exceeding this number of files will be rewritten regardless of other criteria
rewrite-all false Force rewriting of all provided files overriding other options
max-file-group-size-bytes 107374182400 (100GB) Largest amount of data that should be rewritten in a single file group. The entire rewrite operation is broken down into pieces based on partitioning and within partitions based on size into file-groups. This helps with breaking down the rewriting of very large partitions which may not be rewritable otherwise due to the resource constraints of the cluster.
delete-file-threshold 2147483647 Minimum number of deletes that needs to be associated with a data file for it to be considered for rewriting
Options for sort strategy🔗
Name Default Value Description
compression-factor 1.0 The number of shuffle partitions and consequently the number of output files created by the Spark sort is based on the size of the input data files used in this file rewriter. Due to compression, the disk file sizes may not accurately represent the size of files in the output. This parameter lets the user adjust the file size used for estimating actual output data size. A factor greater than 1.0 would generate more files than we would expect based on the on-disk file size. A value less than 1.0 would create fewer files than we would expect based on the on-disk size.
shuffle-partitions-per-file 1 Number of shuffle partitions to use for each output file. Iceberg will use a custom coalesce operation to stitch these sorted partitions back together into a single sorted file.
Options for sort strategy with zorder sort_order🔗
Name Default Value Description
var-length-contribution 8 Number of bytes considered from an input column of a type with variable length (String, Binary)
max-output-size 2147483647 Amount of bytes interleaved in the ZOrder algorithm


Output Name Type Description
rewritten_data_files_count int Number of data which were re-written by this command
added_data_files_count int Number of new data files which were written by this command
rewritten_bytes_count long Number of bytes which were written by this command
failed_data_files_count int Number of data files that failed to be rewritten when partial-progress.enabled is true


Rewrite the data files in table db.sample using the default rewrite algorithm of bin-packing to combine small files and also split large files according to the default write size of the table.

CALL catalog_name.system.rewrite_data_files('db.sample');

Rewrite the data files in table db.sample by sorting all the data on id and name using the same defaults as bin-pack to determine which files to rewrite.

CALL catalog_name.system.rewrite_data_files(table => 'db.sample', strategy => 'sort', sort_order => 'id DESC NULLS LAST,name ASC NULLS FIRST');

Rewrite the data files in table db.sample by zOrdering on column c1 and c2. Using the same defaults as bin-pack to determine which files to rewrite.

CALL catalog_name.system.rewrite_data_files(table => 'db.sample', strategy => 'sort', sort_order => 'zorder(c1,c2)');

Rewrite the data files in table db.sample using bin-pack strategy in any partition where more than 2 or more files need to be rewritten.

CALL catalog_name.system.rewrite_data_files(table => 'db.sample', options => map('min-input-files','2'));

Rewrite the data files in table db.sample and select the files that may contain data matching the filter (id = 3 and name = "foo") to be rewritten.

CALL catalog_name.system.rewrite_data_files(table => 'db.sample', where => 'id = 3 and name = "foo"');


Rewrite manifests for a table to optimize scan planning.

Data files in manifests are sorted by fields in the partition spec. This procedure runs in parallel using a Spark job.


This procedure invalidates all cached Spark plans that reference the affected table.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to update
use_caching boolean Use Spark caching during operation (defaults to true)
spec_id int Spec id of the manifests to rewrite (defaults to current spec id)


Output Name Type Description
rewritten_manifests_count int Number of manifests which were re-written by this command
added_mainfests_count int Number of new manifest files which were written by this command


Rewrite the manifests in table db.sample and align manifest files with table partitioning.

CALL catalog_name.system.rewrite_manifests('db.sample');

Rewrite the manifests in table db.sample and disable the use of Spark caching. This could be done to avoid memory issues on executors.

CALL catalog_name.system.rewrite_manifests('db.sample', false);


Iceberg can rewrite position delete files, which serves two purposes:

  • Minor Compaction: Compact small position delete files into larger ones. This reduces the size of metadata stored in manifest files and overhead of opening small delete files.
  • Remove Dangling Deletes: Filter out position delete records that refer to data files that are no longer live. After rewrite_data_files, position delete records pointing to the rewritten data files are not always marked for removal, and can remain tracked by the table's live snapshot metadata. This is known as the 'dangling delete' problem.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to update
options map Options to be used for procedure

Dangling deletes are always filtered out during rewriting.


Name Default Value Description
max-concurrent-file-group-rewrites 5 Maximum number of file groups to be simultaneously rewritten
partial-progress.enabled false Enable committing groups of files prior to the entire rewrite completing
partial-progress.max-commits 10 Maximum amount of commits that this rewrite is allowed to produce if partial progress is enabled
rewrite-job-order none Force the rewrite job order based on the value.
  • If rewrite-job-order=bytes-asc, then rewrite the smallest job groups first.
  • If rewrite-job-order=bytes-desc, then rewrite the largest job groups first.
  • If rewrite-job-order=files-asc, then rewrite the job groups with the least files first.
  • If rewrite-job-order=files-desc, then rewrite the job groups with the most files first.
  • If rewrite-job-order=none, then rewrite job groups in the order they were planned (no specific ordering).
target-file-size-bytes 67108864 (64MB, default value of from table properties) Target output file size
min-file-size-bytes 75% of target file size Files under this threshold will be considered for rewriting regardless of any other criteria
max-file-size-bytes 180% of target file size Files with sizes above this threshold will be considered for rewriting regardless of any other criteria
min-input-files 5 Any file group exceeding this number of files will be rewritten regardless of other criteria
rewrite-all false Force rewriting of all provided files overriding other options
max-file-group-size-bytes 107374182400 (100GB) Largest amount of data that should be rewritten in a single file group. The entire rewrite operation is broken down into pieces based on partitioning and within partitions based on size into file-groups. This helps with breaking down the rewriting of very large partitions which may not be rewritable otherwise due to the resource constraints of the cluster.


Output Name Type Description
rewritten_delete_files_count int Number of delete files which were removed by this command
added_delete_files_count int Number of delete files which were added by this command
rewritten_bytes_count long Count of bytes across delete files which were removed by this command
added_bytes_count long Count of bytes across all new delete files which were added by this command


Rewrite position delete files in table db.sample. This selects position delete files that fit default rewrite criteria, and writes new files of target size target-file-size-bytes. Dangling deletes are removed from rewritten delete files.

CALL catalog_name.system.rewrite_position_delete_files('db.sample');

Rewrite all position delete files in table db.sample, writing new files target-file-size-bytes. Dangling deletes are removed from rewritten delete files.

CALL catalog_name.system.rewrite_position_delete_files(table => 'db.sample', options => map('rewrite-all', 'true'));

Rewrite position delete files in table db.sample. This selects position delete files in partitions where 2 or more position delete files need to be rewritten based on size criteria. Dangling deletes are removed from rewritten delete files.

CALL catalog_name.system.rewrite_position_delete_files(table => 'db.sample', options => map('min-input-files','2'));

Table migration🔗

The snapshot and migrate procedures help test and migrate existing Hive or Spark tables to Iceberg.


Create a light-weight temporary copy of a table for testing, without changing the source table.

The newly created table can be changed or written to without affecting the source table, but the snapshot uses the original table's data files.

When inserts or overwrites run on the snapshot, new files are placed in the snapshot table's location rather than the original table location.

When finished testing a snapshot table, clean it up by running DROP TABLE.


Because tables created by snapshot are not the sole owners of their data files, they are prohibited from actions like expire_snapshots which would physically delete data files. Iceberg deletes, which only effect metadata, are still allowed. In addition, any operations which affect the original data files will disrupt the Snapshot's integrity. DELETE statements executed against the original Hive table will remove original data files and the snapshot table will no longer be able to access them.

See migrate to replace an existing table with an Iceberg table.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
source_table ✔️ string Name of the table to snapshot
table ✔️ string Name of the new Iceberg table to create
location string Table location for the new table (delegated to the catalog by default)
properties map Properties to add to the newly created table
parallelism int Number of threads to use for file reading (defaults to 1)


Output Name Type Description
imported_files_count long Number of files added to the new table


Make an isolated Iceberg table which references table db.sample named db.snap at the catalog's default location for db.snap.

CALL catalog_name.system.snapshot('db.sample', 'db.snap');

Migrate an isolated Iceberg table which references table db.sample named db.snap at a manually specified location /tmp/temptable/.

CALL catalog_name.system.snapshot('db.sample', 'db.snap', '/tmp/temptable/');


Replace a table with an Iceberg table, loaded with the source's data files.

Table schema, partitioning, properties, and location will be copied from the source table.

Migrate will fail if any table partition uses an unsupported format. Supported formats are Avro, Parquet, and ORC. Existing data files are added to the Iceberg table's metadata and can be read using a name-to-id mapping created from the original table schema.

To leave the original table intact while testing, use snapshot to create new temporary table that shares source data files and schema.

By default, the original table is retained with the name table_BACKUP_.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to migrate
properties map Properties for the new Iceberg table
drop_backup boolean When true, the original table will not be retained as backup (defaults to false)
backup_table_name string Name of the table that will be retained as backup (defaults to table_BACKUP_)
parallelism int Number of threads to use for file reading (defaults to 1)


Output Name Type Description
migrated_files_count long Number of files appended to the Iceberg table


Migrate the table db.sample in Spark's default catalog to an Iceberg table and add a property 'foo' set to 'bar':

CALL catalog_name.system.migrate('spark_catalog.db.sample', map('foo', 'bar'));

Migrate db.sample in the current catalog to an Iceberg table without adding any additional properties:

CALL catalog_name.system.migrate('db.sample');


Attempts to directly add files from a Hive or file based table into a given Iceberg table. Unlike migrate or snapshot, add_files can import files from a specific partition or partitions and does not create a new Iceberg table. This command will create metadata for the new files and will not move them. This procedure will not analyze the schema of the files to determine if they actually match the schema of the Iceberg table. Upon completion, the Iceberg table will then treat these files as if they are part of the set of files owned by Iceberg. This means any subsequent expire_snapshot calls will be able to physically delete the added files. This method should not be used if migrate or snapshot are possible.


Keep in mind the add_files procedure will fetch the Parquet metadata from each file being added just once. If you're using tiered storage, (such as Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class), the underlying, file will be retrieved from the archive, and will remain on a higher tier for a set period of time.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Table which will have files added to
source_table ✔️ string Table where files should come from, paths are also possible in the form of `file_format`.`path`
partition_filter map A map of partitions in the source table to import from
check_duplicate_files boolean Whether to prevent files existing in the table from being added (defaults to true)
parallelism int Number of threads to use for file reading (defaults to 1)

Warning : Schema is not validated, adding files with different schema to the Iceberg table will cause issues.

Warning : Files added by this method can be physically deleted by Iceberg operations


Output Name Type Description
added_files_count long The number of files added by this command
changed_partition_count long The number of partitioned changed by this command (if known)


changed_partition_count will be NULL when table property compatibility.snapshot-id-inheritance.enabled is set to true or if the table format version is > 1.


Add the files from table db.src_table, a Hive or Spark table registered in the session Catalog, to Iceberg table db.tbl. Only add files that exist within partitions where part_col_1 is equal to A.

CALL spark_catalog.system.add_files(
table => 'db.tbl',
source_table => 'db.src_tbl',
partition_filter => map('part_col_1', 'A')

Add files from a parquet file based table at location path/to/table to the Iceberg table db.tbl. Add all files regardless of what partition they belong to.

CALL spark_catalog.system.add_files(
  table => 'db.tbl',
  source_table => '`parquet`.`path/to/table`'


Creates a catalog entry for a metadata.json file which already exists but does not have a corresponding catalog identifier.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Table which is to be registered
metadata_file ✔️ string Metadata file which is to be registered as a new catalog identifier


Having the same metadata.json registered in more than one catalog can lead to missing updates, loss of data, and table corruption. Only use this procedure when the table is no longer registered in an existing catalog, or you are moving a table between catalogs.


Output Name Type Description
current_snapshot_id long The current snapshot ID of the newly registered Iceberg table
total_records_count long Total records count of the newly registered Iceberg table
total_data_files_count long Total data files count of the newly registered Iceberg table


Register a new table as db.tbl to spark_catalog pointing to metadata.json file path/to/metadata/file.json.

CALL spark_catalog.system.register_table(
  table => 'db.tbl',
  metadata_file => 'path/to/metadata/file.json'

Metadata information🔗


Report the live snapshot IDs of parents of a specified snapshot


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the table to report live snapshot IDs
snapshot_id long Use a specified snapshot to get the live snapshot IDs of parents

tip : Using snapshot_id

Given snapshots history with roll back to B and addition of C' -> D'

A -> B - > C -> D
      \ -> C' -> (D')
Not specifying the snapshot ID would return A -> B -> C' -> D', while providing the snapshot ID of D as an argument would return A-> B -> C -> D


Output Name Type Description
snapshot_id long the ancestor snapshot id
timestamp long snapshot creation time


Get all the snapshot ancestors of current snapshots(default)

CALL spark_catalog.system.ancestors_of('db.tbl');

Get all the snapshot ancestors by a particular snapshot

CALL spark_catalog.system.ancestors_of('db.tbl', 1);
CALL spark_catalog.system.ancestors_of(snapshot_id => 1, table => 'db.tbl');

Change Data Capture🔗


Creates a view that contains the changes from a given table.


Argument Name Required? Type Description
table ✔️ string Name of the source table for the changelog
changelog_view string Name of the view to create
options map A map of Spark read options to use
net_changes boolean Whether to output net changes (see below for more information). Defaults to false. It must be false when compute_updates is true.
compute_updates boolean Whether to compute pre/post update images (see below for more information). Defaults to true if identifer_columns are provided; otherwise, defaults to false.
identifier_columns array The list of identifier columns to compute updates. If the argument compute_updates is set to true and identifier_columns are not provided, the table’s current identifier fields will be used.

Here is a list of commonly used Spark read options:

  • start-snapshot-id: the exclusive start snapshot ID. If not provided, it reads from the table’s first snapshot inclusively.
  • end-snapshot-id: the inclusive end snapshot id, default to table's current snapshot.
  • start-timestamp: the exclusive start timestamp. If not provided, it reads from the table’s first snapshot inclusively.
  • end-timestamp: the inclusive end timestamp, default to table's current snapshot.


Output Name Type Description
changelog_view string The name of the created changelog view


Create a changelog view tbl_changes based on the changes that happened between snapshot 1 (exclusive) and 2 (inclusive).

CALL spark_catalog.system.create_changelog_view(
  table => 'db.tbl',
  options => map('start-snapshot-id','1','end-snapshot-id', '2')

Create a changelog view my_changelog_view based on the changes that happened between timestamp 1678335750489 (exclusive) and 1678992105265 (inclusive).

CALL spark_catalog.system.create_changelog_view(
  table => 'db.tbl',
  options => map('start-timestamp','1678335750489','end-timestamp', '1678992105265'),
  changelog_view => 'my_changelog_view'

Create a changelog view that computes updates based on the identifier columns id and name.

CALL spark_catalog.system.create_changelog_view(
  table => 'db.tbl',
  options => map('start-snapshot-id','1','end-snapshot-id', '2'),
  identifier_columns => array('id', 'name')

Once the changelog view is created, you can query the view to see the changes that happened between the snapshots.

SELECT * FROM tbl_changes;
SELECT * FROM tbl_changes where _change_type = 'INSERT' AND id = 3 ORDER BY _change_ordinal;
Please note that the changelog view includes Change Data Capture(CDC) metadata columns that provide additional information about the changes being tracked. These columns are:

  • _change_type: the type of change. It has one of the following values: INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE_BEFORE, or UPDATE_AFTER.
  • _change_ordinal: the order of changes
  • _commit_snapshot_id: the snapshot ID where the change occurred

Here is an example of corresponding results. It shows that the first snapshot inserted 2 records, and the second snapshot deleted 1 record.

id name _change_type _change_ordinal _commit_snapshot_id
1 Alice INSERT 0 5390529835796506035
2 Bob INSERT 0 5390529835796506035
1 Alice DELETE 1 8764748981452218370

Net Changes🔗

The procedure can remove intermediate changes across multiple snapshots, and only outputs the net changes. Here is an example to create a changelog view that computes net changes.

CALL spark_catalog.system.create_changelog_view(
  table => 'db.tbl',
  options => map('end-snapshot-id', '87647489814522183702'),
  net_changes => true

With the net changes, the above changelog view only contains the following row since Alice was inserted in the first snapshot and deleted in the second snapshot.

id name _change_type _change_ordinal _commit_snapshot_id
2 Bob INSERT 0 5390529835796506035

Carry-over Rows🔗

The procedure removes the carry-over rows by default. Carry-over rows are the result of row-level operations(MERGE, UPDATE and DELETE) when using copy-on-write. For example, given a file which contains row1 (id=1, name='Alice') and row2 (id=2, name='Bob'). A copy-on-write delete of row2 would require erasing this file and preserving row1 in a new file. The changelog table reports this as the following pair of rows, despite it not being an actual change to the table.

id name _change_type
1 Alice DELETE
1 Alice INSERT

To see carry-over rows, query SparkChangelogTable as follows:

SELECT * FROM spark_catalog.db.tbl.changes;

Pre/Post Update Images🔗

The procedure computes the pre/post update images if configured. Pre/post update images are converted from a pair of a delete row and an insert row. Identifier columns are used for determining whether an insert and a delete record refer to the same row. If the two records share the same values for the identity columns they are considered to be before and after states of the same row. You can either set identifier fields in the table schema or input them as the procedure parameters.

The following example shows pre/post update images computation with an identifier column(id), where a row deletion and an insertion with the same id are treated as a single update operation. Specifically, suppose we have the following pair of rows:

id name _change_type
3 Robert DELETE

In this case, the procedure marks the row before the update as an UPDATE_BEFORE image and the row after the update as an UPDATE_AFTER image, resulting in the following pre/post update images:

id name _change_type