Class Spark3BinPackStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • Spark3BinPackStrategy

        public Spark3BinPackStrategy​(Table table,
                                     org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession spark)
    • Method Detail

      • table

        public Table table()
        Description copied from interface: RewriteStrategy
        Returns the table being modified by this rewrite strategy
      • rewriteFiles

        public java.util.Set<DataFile> rewriteFiles​(java.util.List<FileScanTask> filesToRewrite)
        Description copied from interface: RewriteStrategy
        Method which will rewrite files based on this particular RewriteStrategy's algorithm. This will most likely be Action framework specific (Spark/Presto/Flink ....).
        filesToRewrite - a group of files to be rewritten together
        a set of newly written files