Class RESTUtil


public class RESTUtil extends Object
  • Field Details


      public static final NAMESPACE_JOINER

      public static final NAMESPACE_SPLITTER
  • Method Details

    • stripTrailingSlash

      public static String stripTrailingSlash(String path)
    • merge

      public static Map<String,String> merge(Map<String,String> target, Map<String,String> updates)
      Merge updates into a target string map.
      target - a map to update
      updates - a map of updates
      an immutable result map built from target and updates
    • extractPrefixMap

      public static Map<String,String> extractPrefixMap(Map<String,String> properties, String prefix)
      Takes in a map, and returns a copy filtered on the entries with keys beginning with the designated prefix. The keys are returned with the prefix removed.

      Any entries whose keys don't begin with the prefix are not returned.

      This can be used to get a subset of the configuration related to the REST catalog, such as all properties from a prefix of `` to get REST catalog specific properties from the spark configuration.

    • encodeFormData

      public static String encodeFormData(Map<?,?> formData)
      Encodes a map of form data as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

      This encodes the form with pairs separated by & and keys separated from values by =.

      formData - a map of form data
      a String of encoded form data
    • decodeFormData

      public static Map<String,String> decodeFormData(String formString)
      Decodes a map of form data from application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

      This decodes the form with pairs separated by & and keys separated from values by =.

      formString - a map of form data
      a map of key/value form data
    • encodeString

      public static String encodeString(String toEncode)
      Encodes a string using URL encoding

      decodeString(String) should be used to decode.

      toEncode - string to encode
      UTF-8 encoded string, suitable for use as a URL parameter
    • decodeString

      public static String decodeString(String encoded)
      Decodes a URL-encoded string.

      See also encodeString(String) for URL encoding.

      encoded - a string to decode
      a decoded string
    • encodeNamespace

      public static String encodeNamespace(Namespace ns)
      Returns a String representation of a namespace that is suitable for use in a URL / URI.

      This function needs to be called when a namespace is used as a path variable (or query parameter etc.), to format the namespace per the spec.

      decodeNamespace(java.lang.String) should be used to parse the namespace from a URL parameter.

      ns - namespace to encode
      UTF-8 encoded string representing the namespace, suitable for use as a URL parameter
    • decodeNamespace

      public static Namespace decodeNamespace(String encodedNs)
      Takes in a string representation of a namespace as used for a URL parameter and returns the corresponding namespace.

      See also encodeNamespace(org.apache.iceberg.catalog.Namespace) for generating correctly formatted URLs.

      encodedNs - a namespace to decode
      a namespace
    • resolveEndpoint

      public static String resolveEndpoint(String catalogUri, String endpointPath)
      Returns the catalog URI suffixed by the relative endpoint path. If the endpoint path is an absolute path, then the absolute endpoint path is returned without using the catalog URI.
      catalogUri - The catalog URI that is typically passed through CatalogProperties.URI
      endpointPath - Either an absolute or relative endpoint path
      The actual endpoint path if it's an absolute path or the catalog uri suffixed by the endpoint path if the path is relative.