Class RewriteTablePathUtil


public class RewriteTablePathUtil extends Object
Utilities for Rewrite table path action.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • replacePaths

      public static TableMetadata replacePaths(TableMetadata metadata, String sourcePrefix, String targetPrefix)
      Create a new table metadata object, replacing path references
      metadata - source table metadata
      sourcePrefix - source prefix that will be replaced
      targetPrefix - target prefix that will replace it
      copy of table metadata with paths replaced
    • rewriteManifestList

      public static RewriteTablePathUtil.RewriteResult<ManifestFile> rewriteManifestList(Snapshot snapshot, FileIO io, TableMetadata tableMetadata, Set<String> manifestsToRewrite, String sourcePrefix, String targetPrefix, String stagingDir, String outputPath)
      Rewrite a manifest list representing a snapshot, replacing path references.
      snapshot - snapshot represented by the manifest list
      io - file io
      tableMetadata - metadata of table
      manifestsToRewrite - a list of manifest files to filter for rewrite
      sourcePrefix - source prefix that will be replaced
      targetPrefix - target prefix that will replace it
      stagingDir - staging directory
      outputPath - location to write the manifest list
      a copy plan for manifest files whose metadata were contained in the rewritten manifest list
    • rewriteDataManifest

      public static RewriteTablePathUtil.RewriteResult<DataFile> rewriteDataManifest(ManifestFile manifestFile, OutputFile outputFile, FileIO io, int format, Map<Integer,PartitionSpec> specsById, String sourcePrefix, String targetPrefix) throws IOException
      Rewrite a data manifest, replacing path references.
      manifestFile - source manifest file to rewrite
      outputFile - output file to rewrite manifest file to
      io - file io
      format - format of the manifest file
      specsById - map of partition specs by id
      sourcePrefix - source prefix that will be replaced
      targetPrefix - target prefix that will replace it
      a copy plan of content files in the manifest that was rewritten
    • rewriteDeleteManifest

      public static RewriteTablePathUtil.RewriteResult<DeleteFile> rewriteDeleteManifest(ManifestFile manifestFile, OutputFile outputFile, FileIO io, int format, Map<Integer,PartitionSpec> specsById, String sourcePrefix, String targetPrefix, String stagingLocation) throws IOException
      Rewrite a delete manifest, replacing path references.
      manifestFile - source delete manifest to rewrite
      outputFile - output file to rewrite manifest file to
      io - file io
      format - format of the manifest file
      specsById - map of partition specs by id
      sourcePrefix - source prefix that will be replaced
      targetPrefix - target prefix that will replace it
      stagingLocation - staging location for rewritten files (referred delete file will be rewritten here)
      a copy plan of content files in the manifest that was rewritten
    • rewritePositionDeleteFile

      public static void rewritePositionDeleteFile(DeleteFile deleteFile, OutputFile outputFile, FileIO io, PartitionSpec spec, String sourcePrefix, String targetPrefix, RewriteTablePathUtil.PositionDeleteReaderWriter posDeleteReaderWriter) throws IOException
      Rewrite a position delete file, replacing path references.
      deleteFile - source delete file to be rewritten
      outputFile - output file to rewrite delete file to
      io - file io
      spec - spec of delete file
      sourcePrefix - source prefix that will be replaced
      targetPrefix - target prefix to replace it
      posDeleteReaderWriter - class to read and write position delete files
    • newPath

      public static String newPath(String path, String sourcePrefix, String targetPrefix)
      Replace path reference
      path - path reference
      sourcePrefix - source prefix that will be replaced
      targetPrefix - target prefix that will replace it
      new path reference
    • combinePaths

      public static String combinePaths(String absolutePath, String relativePath)
      Combine a base and relative path.
    • fileName

      public static String fileName(String path)
      Returns the file name of a path.
    • relativize

      public static String relativize(String path, String prefix)
      Relativize a path.
    • maybeAppendFileSeparator

      public static String maybeAppendFileSeparator(String path)
    • stagingPath

      public static String stagingPath(String originalPath, String stagingDir)
      Construct a staging path under a given staging directory
      originalPath - source path
      stagingDir - staging directory
      a staging path under the staging directory, based on the original path