AvroUtil |
Class for Avro-related utility methods.
CommitComplete |
A control event payload for events sent by a coordinator that indicates it has completed a commit
CommitToTable |
A control event payload for events sent by a coordinator that indicates it has completed a commit
DataComplete |
A control event payload for events sent by a worker that indicates it has finished sending all
data for a commit request.
DataWritten |
A control event payload for events sent by a worker that contains the table data that has been
written and is ready to commit.
Event |
Class representing all events produced to the control topic.
StartCommit |
A control event payload for events sent by a coordinator to request workers to send back the
table data that has been written and is ready to commit.
TableReference |
Element representing a table identifier, with namespace and name.
TopicPartitionOffset |
Element representing an offset, with topic name, partition number, and offset.