CommitMetadata |
utility class to accept thread local commit properties
ExtendedParser.RawOrderField |
FileRewriteCoordinator |
FileScanTaskSetManager |
IcebergSpark |
JobGroupInfo |
Captures information about the current job
which is used for displaying on the UI
JobGroupUtils |
PathIdentifier |
PruneColumnsWithoutReordering |
PruneColumnsWithReordering |
RollbackStagedTable |
An implementation of StagedTable that mimics the behavior of Spark's non-atomic CTAS and RTAS.
Spark3Util |
Spark3Util.CatalogAndIdentifier |
This mimics a class inside of Spark which is private inside of LookupCatalog.
Spark3Util.DescribeSchemaVisitor |
SparkCachedTableCatalog |
An internal table catalog that is capable of loading tables from a cache.
SparkCatalog |
A Spark TableCatalog implementation that wraps an Iceberg Catalog .
SparkDataFile |
SparkDistributionAndOrderingUtil |
SparkExceptionUtil |
SparkFilters |
SparkReadConf |
A class for common Iceberg configs for Spark reads.
SparkReadOptions |
Spark DF read options
SparkSchemaUtil |
Helper methods for working with Spark/Hive metadata.
SparkSessionCatalog<T extends org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableCatalog & org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.SupportsNamespaces> |
A Spark catalog that can also load non-Iceberg tables.
SparkSQLProperties |
SparkStructLike |
SparkTableCache |
SparkTableUtil |
Java version of the original SparkTableUtil.scala
SparkTableUtil.SparkPartition |
Class representing a table partition.
SparkUtil |
SparkValueConverter |
A utility class that converts Spark values to Iceberg's internal representation.
SparkWriteConf |
A class for common Iceberg configs for Spark writes.
SparkWriteOptions |
Spark DF write options