EncryptedInputFile |
Thin wrapper around an InputFile instance that is encrypted.
EncryptedOutputFile |
Thin wrapper around a OutputFile that is encrypting bytes written to the underlying
file system, via an encryption key that is symbolized by the enclosed
EncryptionKeyMetadata .
EncryptionKeyMetadata |
Light typedef over a ByteBuffer that indicates that the given bytes represent metadata about
an encrypted data file's encryption key.
EncryptionManager |
Module for encrypting and decrypting table data files.
KmsClient |
A minimum client interface to connect to a key management service (KMS).
NativelyEncryptedFile |
This interface is applied to OutputFile and InputFile implementations, in order to enable delivery of crypto
parameters (such as encryption keys etc) from the Iceberg key management module to the writers/readers of file
formats that support encryption natively (Parquet and ORC).