Action<ThisT,R> |
An action performed on a table.
ActionsProvider |
An API that should be implemented by query engine integrations for providing actions.
ConvertEqualityDeleteFiles |
An action for converting the equality delete files to position delete files.
ConvertEqualityDeleteFiles.Result |
The action result that contains a summary of the execution.
ConvertEqualityDeleteStrategy |
A strategy for the action to convert equality delete to position deletes.
DeleteOrphanFiles |
An action that deletes orphan metadata, data and delete files in a table.
DeleteOrphanFiles.Result |
The action result that contains a summary of the execution.
DeleteReachableFiles |
An action that deletes all files referenced by a table metadata file.
DeleteReachableFiles.Result |
The action result that contains a summary of the execution.
ExpireSnapshots |
An action that expires snapshots in a table.
ExpireSnapshots.Result |
The action result that contains a summary of the execution.
MigrateTable |
An action that migrates an existing table to Iceberg.
MigrateTable.Result |
The action result that contains a summary of the execution.
RewriteDataFiles |
An action for rewriting data files according to a rewrite strategy.
RewriteDataFiles.FileGroupInfo |
A description of a file group, when it was processed, and within which partition.
RewriteDataFiles.FileGroupRewriteResult |
For a particular file group, the number of files which are newly created and the number of files
which were formerly part of the table but have been rewritten.
RewriteDataFiles.Result |
A map of file group information to the results of rewriting that file group.
RewriteManifests |
An action that rewrites manifests.
RewriteManifests.Result |
The action result that contains a summary of the execution.
RewritePositionDeleteFiles |
An action for rewriting position delete files.
RewritePositionDeleteFiles.Result |
The action result that contains a summary of the execution.
RewritePositionDeleteStrategy |
A strategy for an action to rewrite position delete files.
RewriteStrategy |
SnapshotTable |
An action that creates an independent snapshot of an existing table.
SnapshotTable.Result |
The action result that contains a summary of the execution.
SnapshotUpdate<ThisT,R> |
An action that produces snapshots.
SnapshotUpdateAction<ThisT,R> |